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Project Title

Buying a freehold apartment or a villa in Dubai was something that most of the Iranians liked to achieve. Considering Dubai’s proximity to Iran was one of the factors that truly encouraged Iranians to consider having a so-called holiday house in a foreign country. Besides, there were, and still are, so many business opportunities for Iranians in the United Arab Emirates. Purchasing a property in Dubai, not only was something everyone would talk about, but it was also starting to become a social status.

I began writing the script of this movie in the genre of comedy, sometime around August 2006. I needed to warn people of the consequences of losing their property in Iran and purchasing in Dubai instead. However, I needed to write it in a way not to offend any potential buyer or even real estate companies.


The Brief

In a bid to capture the affections of two sisters in their village, two restaurant-owning brothers embark on a challenging endeavor to acquire substantial funds and purchase luxurious freehold properties in a foreign land.
In their pursuit to win the hearts of two sisters, two restaurant-owning brothers face the daunting task of accumulating significant funds to secure luxurious properties abroad. However, their dreams unravel as they discover that their stroke of luck was illusory, leaving them deceived and robbed after their hard-earned funds were lost to an elaborate scam.
  • Prod. Date : 26.05.2006
  • Category : Feature
  • Genre : Comedy
  • Runtime : 92 Minutes
  • Prod. location : Iran
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